Okay I know all of you out there have words about this.I am wondering about how you handle new volunteer sign up sheets. Generally we do not have sign ups outside of our meetings, we do alot by advertising and parents calling me. This past Fall as requested by our principal we had a sheet at our Block Party, and she had one at parent conferences for the Holiday Shop.We will send home notices in the newsletter, minutes, flyers advertising the event and at our meetings.
From there I take those sheets and make phone calls, on a list for the fall fest of 12 names I never could get hold of 3 of them. I call two or three times, if they have an answering machine I leave a message.These people did not... Now remember during this whole time this event is being advertised over and over with our email address and my personal phone numberas well as the chairs, or you may send a note into school.NO response, so now Im the bad guy and "I Didnt let them volunteer"---yeah you heard that right.
Im wondering if I am doing enough? Yes last year I sent home reminders to anyone who signed up and ended with ALOT of no shows...without that personal contact I dont have good luck with them showing.I need to verify that they are coming.
Once I talk to a person I send home reminders and that works great. i know it is great to get new volunteers but am i wrong in not calling more than two or three times. Is it wrong that if Im trying to line up 35-45 volunteers and dont keep hounding these "interested" people to assume that if they really want to help that they will call me or the school?? Out of 75 people signing up for events there were 4 i never could reach and they never contacted the group...am i responsible for that???I guess the question is how much do you hound people?