A couple years ago we did away with Halloween an turned it in to something differentt..the fall festival. This year though we had many who wanted to bring back the costumes. So we did a dress up as your favorite book character day. They were not allowed to have any blood gore etc... it was a HUGE success Kids lved it and they realy used their imaginations...we had Junie b jones and harry potter everywhere!!
Our school also stays away from using "Halloween" wording and also goes more with a Fall Harvest festival.
We have fall track and field day on 10/31. Halloween nuances are included, but there's enough going on that someone could opt out of any particular activity. It's a hilarious version with zany games (pumpkin toss, mummy wrap, scarecrow relay, hay wagon race, and whatever else our PE teacher can dream up.)It's a lot of fun and a great way to use up that Halloween energy.
As far as an alternative, couldn't you plan a harvest theme party and maybe a movie just for them. They definitely deserve something fun, too.
Hi! I'm not sure if this will help, but I worked in a christian daycare for several years and we also did a FallFestival. No Ghost, Jack-o-lanterns, witches, etc... We did cake walks, face painting, carnival type games in each classroom. There are lots of stories about fall that have nothing to do with Halloween. But if you are just talking about for the few who cannot participate, maybe take them for a special lunch or something instead?? I think talking to those kids parents would really be the place to start, see what they would like you to do.
In our K-5 school classes celebrate with Halloween Parties. Not too large and for snack time in the morning or the last 45 minutes of the day.
Last year, for each class during that week, the librarian moved the furniture and setup a "pretend campfire" (several logs of wood) in the middle of the room. When classes came in,they all sat on the floor in a circle and she told stories (scary, folk tales, etc.). The lights were turned off (lots of windows so still lighted) and it was a lot of fun!
We celebrate a Fall Festival and have season oreneted games to play. No coustumes, no signs of Halloween at all. Took sometime to get used to but being a K-12 school I kinds like not having to worry about my first grader being scared of a Junior at lunch time....
We have coloring table, duck "pond", cake walk, toliet seat toss....maybe something with pumkins and sometimes an easy bob for apples.
Is this for the children whose parents dont want them to participate in the carnival or just in the parade? At our school the carnival is after school and the parade is only for kinder. kids. I should think that a couple of movies in the library with generic snacks would probably suffice. We also face this issue with several religious groups in the community. Even though the children cannot participate, we respect the parents wishes while also giving the kids something fun to do. Why dont you ask one of the parents whose child won't be participating what they think would be appropriate?