Thanks so much for the link...I've been trying to see examples from other schools to see how in the world to set it up. I know our school district wants to keep control of it which is totally okay with me. I couldn't believe the membership ya'll have. We are lucky to have two of us at the meeting that aren't on the board. But that's a whole different post concerning parent involvement. I will post a question concerning that elsewhere. I am trying to utilize different parents that have experience with web building from our school district. Seeing examples helps tremendously. Our school district website is pretty cool. I would put more clip art but I think it looks more professional the way it is.
Thanks again for your help!
School website
I just updated ours last week. Since I didn't get permission from the prez to do this I didn't put much on it. It still had my name on it from 6 months ago and I had to get it off. I did tell her I did this and if she wants me too I will keep it updated.
Crazy-yes you are lucky, our school website is 3 years outdated!
These are some great ideas please keep them coming!! I will be looking at your website in a few minutes. Anyone that has a website that they would be willing to let me view I would very much appreciate it!
Our school website is linked to our school distict website and then to other schools in our district. Our website is VERY up to date. It is literally updated daily!! We are very lucky to have our webmaster be so dedicated!! Check it out at
We have a webite that links to our district site. Is that what you mean. Our district website contains all 5 of our schools (that is pre-high). The link that leads to the other elementary's web page had a pto spot on it, but the last I checked it only had a few pics. Our school website is extrememly outdated. The webmaster says they have to go to the central office to fix it. I wished they would do something about that.
How hard is it to e-mail everyone? Do you just set up a yahoo or hotmail account and make an address book for all the members?
We have not made a website but on our PTO sign up sheet we have a space for e-mail. I them out to remind parents of picture day, skate night, bake sales and meetings. Many people have said they like it and it is a great way to get the news out about events and make people feel involved.