I appreciate the posts here. Your websites have helped to give me ideas for our website. I was also able to find some great Box Top clip art on your sites.
I hope you can get ideas from our site or share some suggestions. Thanks!
I would be curious to know whether you are selling ad space on your sites. We are recognizing sponsors / partners on ours, but I think we could generate some more funding by selling some ad space on our home page. Thoughts?
Sue - Our parent volunteer created the online volunteer form. She has been learning as she goes - and is getting quite good. As for email groups - we haven't used the Yahoo Groups...but we have been using AOL and just creating a group called Parent Volunteers. We send out emails to our address with blind copies to all of the other parents. That way everyone's email is kept private! Thanks for the positive feedback.
John McLoughlin Elementary PTSO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks, ptsoparent! The volunteer form that you have is quite cool! Did an outside company create that for you?
Also, for email purposes have you tried YAHOO's e-groups?
Sue - Loved the PTL page....I also thought it was great that the website posted the Summer Reading Lists. I hope we use that idea next year.
I also passed on the wording for your Enrichment Committee. In the past few years we have been increasing our work in the area of writing grants, researching funding options, etc. This is the perfect wording to finally put a name to our efforts.
Hi! The web site that I created for our school is: www.geocities.com/centralschoolstoneham
As I continually get ideas for new pages I find that I may need to create another main page for say our Parent-Teacher League and all the different ways that we're involved in the school. In terms of a form on the site, I'm working on one for the scholarship that our school offers to graduating seniors in our town...Pls check out our site and give me feedback! Thanks! [img]smile.gif[/img]
ptsoparent- your website looks great! I want to do a website this year for our school, but I have to wait until teachers come back, one of our 1st grade teachers is our webmaster. I talked to someone at the administration office and they said we can do it though. wait, wait, wait, I'm not real good at waiting!