We usually mail those mini-school kleenex boxes with a postcard size label on it to our entering Kindergarten parents inviting them to the boo-hoo breakfast. (bagels, donuts and drinks) Are your bags for the parents or students? I'm sure others have done something like this but here's a few things I thought of.
tissues: for tears of sadness and joys
seed packet: for planting the seeds of learning
key: education is the key to your child's future
eraser: because everyone makes mistakes that can be fixed. (for that first call from the school office)
Hersey kiss: for the day when your child is too old to let you kiss them in front of their friends
Star stickers: for a job well done on raising your child.
balloon: for releasing your child into the teachers hands
I know a lot of teachers have an end of the year poem with things like this so you might search that for your boo-hoo bags.
we are going to do boo hoo bags for our kindergarten classes and i remember seeing an article about these. if someone has the information on what to put in these and the little sayings for what each item stands for we would greatly appreciated it. thank-you and have a great weekend.
lori This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.