We also put out a welcome packet but add many things to it like our town map and a book the town paper puts out about what to do in town, a copy of the parks & rec kids activities flyer with their number, girl & boy scouts info,forms from the library for cards, voter registration froms from the town, all the stuff the secretarys must hand out to new people and our pto packet that tel who we are and what we do and how to join us. the principal always adds some school stuff to. We also let other town clubs add flyers so new people can get involved with our community.
We are purchasing from a new company this year - SchoolMate. They sent a sample of each so you may be able to request the same.
The website is: www.schoolmate.com/
We include a brochure with:
1. Board members' names, positions and phone # as well as commitee chair names (and open positions if any).
2. Important dates (fundraisers, conferences, pta meetings, etc.)
3. Staff names, positions, & grade level.
We also provide each child with a folder and an assignment pad with the school name and logo.
Forms for membership & activewear also go into the packet.