Could you start a thread for Middle school
(6th grade) I have one year to go for preparation.
I think it is a great idea. I am looking to see what's happening in middle school PTO's.
I think we should start a section for middle school related issues. I will be a new middle school pta president next year. We are in the planning stages for next year, but middle school is much different then elementary school. It would be great to share ideas with other middle school parent volunteers.
Our middle school had an orientation night and we met a few of the staff, toured the entire school. A few of the students "modeled" the flattering gym suits [img]tongue.gif[/img] . The arts/band/orchestra/choir teachers spoke about their programs. The parent group gave their 1 minute pitch.
Overall, I'm looking forward to it. My daughter is getting tired of being talked to like a "Kindergartener" and she's ready to meet some kids from the three other schools that move up to this middle school.
I agree on the "horror" stories, but as a whole, I'm ready for it.
My oldest will be in middle school (officially) this fall (middle starts with the seventh grade instead of sixth). Tommorrow my daughter will be saying goodbye to many of the friends she has made since second grade (when we moved here) and they are tranfering to a "real" middle school that "will offer more to them". As a small charter school they don't have organized teams formed (yet) and many other little clubs etc.
ANYWAY, I totally agree with the pregnant/camp analogy! (if I could spell tonight!) When asked how our family is surviving our daughter I reply, "easy, it's like we have 3 toddlers instead of two!"
Idea for ya...you know those skate parties I'll stop talking about someday well these are the kids that make them a success! Even if it's not a fundraiser what a great mixer! Our kids have a blast!
Congrats on this new venture!! I now have one in middle school, two in elementry, and two at home...now if I can just get them potty trained [img]smile.gif[/img]
I've heard the same things from MS teachers and friends. The kids secretly like the idea of moms and dads helping out, but they wouldn't be caught dead admitting it.
My small involvement has already paid off in that I feel I now know some the teachers, staff, the principal, the "inside scoop" on a few things, etc. Much better than going into it all blind and merely dropping her off with strangers come August 13th.
I know middle school is harder, there are more risks, more danger. But I swear, I can't decide if being the mother of a 5th grader is more like being pregnant or going to summer camp. When you are pregnant, people come out of the woodwork to share their horror stories. Like camp, others can't wait to share their favorite ghost stories and scare the heck out of you. I'm sick of it.
The other day someone was raging on and on about someting like TEN kids being in Saturday detention one weekend. I'm sorry that happens, but why isn't anyone boasting about the 840 kids who weren't in detention? Why can't they be as eager to pass on info about the neat afterschool clubs and the various awards the school has received.
It's a public school, culturally diverse, with it's own share of problems. I'm sure I won't be happy with everything that happens. But I just decided I had enough and would personally find out info for myself, focus on the positive, and at least fill the void with some informative information.
Sorry, it seems I got off topic - although that was the driver for the creation of the flyer.
It would be nice to see a section in the discussion board for Middle school events.
I've heard from some of the Middle School leaders that the "tweens" want you in school, but Don't want you in school. I'm going to have a hard time with that. Our MS implemented "donuts for dads/muffins for moms" last year and it was a hit. I'll have to see how that works.