I love this Boo Hoo Breakfast idea and can't wait to use it this fall. I'm going to be the new "Parents Group" President and what a way to kill off the year. I'm hoping to get the responds that most of you have written about. We have a VERY small turn out at Parents Group Meetings but when we need volunteers they come out of the woodwork. Hoping to recuit new people to join us at the meetings from this as well as offer support to new parents. Thanks for the great idea.
This will be my third time around and this would be a great way to met the moms you are going to get to know while waiting for the kids to get out! Also easier when you are asked to call on these moms for party planning or birthday partys etc.
I went to that page and printed out the 26(?) page booklet. Lots of good stuff in there. I really like the idea of having a big PTA presence on the first day where all we are doing is providing services and information and not asking for money or volunteers. Let the first impression of the PTA be that we are an organization that does things, not one that just begs money and time.