If you are a PTO you don't belong to a national organization - you are independent. As far as issuing cards to members, I don't know that it would hurt. Charging different admissions? I'm not so sure about that.
Our group decided when we formed that we would not charge dues. Membership is defined in our bylaws as "parents and guardians of students attending the school, as well as techers, school administrators and community members who have an interest in the well-being of the school and its students." Voting privileges are extended to all members present at the general meeting when a vote takes place. That is any vote - a vote on expenditures that requires general membership vote, elections, etc.
Just my two cents (and if that is what dues are, please send me my membership card - ha ha)
Can I get some opinions on membership cards? Our PTO president thinks that they will "classify" parents into groups and therefore doesn't want them. We are a school with 52% PTO membership, 752 children. The president doesn't want to create a divide between parents, but a lot of members see it as a way of adding value to the membership, especially if we charge different admission prices to future events, based on membership. Does anyone have a prototype we could use? I just found out that we also do not belong to a National PTO/PTA. Comments and suggestions welcomed at : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.