I am currently planning activities for our middle school pta meetings. We are planning a talent show which will feature students and local college fraternities and sorrorities. We are also hosting a college funding night. It would be nice to start a thread of acivities for middle school.
Thanks for the input. We just had our Executive Board meeting the other night and we decided to send out a survey to the kids. Hopefully, we'll get some good ideas. If anyone has any specific events that have worked for your 7th and 8th grade students, please let me know.
One thing I have found out with kids that age, you need to go to them and ask them what they would like the PTA to do for them. Ask the principle if you could hold an assembly to talk to them and then put up an idea box in the hallway for them to put their ideas in. What gets the most repsonse get done first, then go from there. Good luck!
I am looking for events that we can host for our 7yh and 8th grade students. We have a Back to School dance at the beginning of the year that does very well. We recently tried to have a Bowling Night at the local bowling alley but we only sold 19 tickets. We needed to sell 160. Please let me know events you have hosted and how the kids responded. We have approximately 1,000 students. Thank you in advance for your help.
PTA Pres
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