I'm amazed that the decision on how to "raise funds" doesn't take place until the beginning of the early. I'm equally amazed that there appears to be an option to change your approach each year. What do your By-Laws say?
We are a Middle School and we do NO fundraising; all the fundraising takes place at the elementary level. (This way parents with kids at both school levels aren't pulled in any more directions.)
This year we charged $30 PER FAMILY, it just went up from $25 (that was the fee for the last who knows how many years). No one complains, we get more volunteers for those committees we do have because, for the most part, they aren't nearly as labor intensive.
We are doing a huge fundraiser right now. I've had several parents write checks that say "donation" on them and several people have informed me they'd like to help the school, but don't approve of fundraising. I am more than happy to accept their donations, as we keep 100% of that money, rather than splitting it with the fundraising company. I always write a personal thank you note and make sure the child receives whatever prize corolates to the amount of the donation. The fundraising rep lets me buy those prizes at cost and it makes those kids feel involved and important. Hope that helps!
Every year at our first meeting the issue is raised as to whether to request a one-time donation from parents to reach our budget...or to continue with our fundraisers. Many parents feel they would rather donate than be bombarded with flyers and gift wrap, cakes, etc...Does anyone have a similar situation and how have you handled it to try and reach a happy medium?