You don't even have to buy them for your first meeting. Call your local florist. Ask for a gift certificate. Call your local grocery store. Ask for a gift certificate. Call your local beauty salon. Ask for a free haircut. Call a local restaurant. Ask for dinner for two. All of the above mentioned businesses will give you a certificate the same day you call.
The Phone Call:
Hi! Mr(s). Business Owner/Manager, my name is MetzyMom and I am calling on behalf of Metzy Elementary School PTO. The reason for my call is to ask for your support by donating a door prize to be used at our monthly meeting. Your door prize will be advertised in our letters home as we work to encourage new parents and teachers to attend our meetings. Of course you yourself know that the more involved our community, parents and teachers are involved, the better educated our children will be. Now I know that everyone and their brother has probably called you this year, but we were hoping you could help us out with a small gift certificate to be used in your establishment. I would come by to pick it up, and drop off your receipt for tax purposes at the same time. What would be a good time to come by?
The Receipt:
Dear Whom-ever-you-spoke-with,
Thank you for your generous support of our school. Your donation will be used as a door prize at our monthly meeting, used to encourage new parents and community members to attend and get excited about our children's educations.
Thank You again for your donation. Your support does not go unnoticed!
Door Prize Coordinator
Metzy Elementary School
Remember, ask everyone. Gyms, gas stations, movie houses, bowling alleys, dollar stores, utility companies, retail stores, ANYONE AND EVERYONE! The worst thing they can say is No. Besides, like I always say, Don't Ask - Don't Get!
Good Luck