I am a new PTO President this year, however, I have been very active with the PTO since my daughter was in Kindergarten (4 years now). At one time our school had a really rough PTO. The PTO board before me really implented some wonderful things, but we are still very far from being where we should be. I have had some really good ideas and suggestions from parents and teachers. I want to start a new volunteer program at our school this year. Our school has great parents who volunteer to help with classrooms, etc, however, when it comes to PTO, it's the same volunteers every time. I want to start a volunteer program that all teachers/ areas in our school can benefit from, as well as functions our PTO does. I am going to be contacting area senior groups,community center, churches etc. about participating. Has anyone had any experience with this type program, any advice, suggestions etc? I have had approx 35-40 parents sign up to help, and that was just at our annual health and safety fair, with a notebook and pen signup. I would like to have a "pool" of volunteers that can be called upon when someone needs help, a teachers aid, accelerated reading test, reading to class, etc. I know this could work out, if done correctly. That is why I'm asking for advice. So I can try to do my best at doing this in the right way. This is my first post here. I really enjoy all the messages, and have gotten a LOT of information from you all. Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from anyone who could possibly help me. My email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if anyone has something to email me as well.
Thanks again. :confused: