We have Grade Parent Volunteers. There are six (K-5), one parent from each grade who serve as grade level representatives to the PTO Executive Board. Their job is keep up with what's going on in the grade, report at the monthly meeting, and act as liaison between the PTO and the teachers.
Most of our classes have the traditional room parents that help organize class parties and field trip volunteers. If we know the teachers need some extra help with a project or supplies, the grade rep will contact all the room parents for her grade to encourage recruitment of parent volunteers from the classes.
It's hard to imagine having PTO reps from EACH classroom. That would be 35 extra people for us. Please share whatever else you find out if it's not posted here in the Forum.
Does anyone have Room Reps? We have a few teachers that ask for room reps, but can't tell me what they do. Don't get this confused with Room Parents that plan classroom parties etc. Room Reps have some kind of role in connecting the classroom to the PTSO. Can anyone help?