I agree that the first three jobs you mentioned are great stay at home jobs but to be the "Liason to the School Board" ...well, you just have to attend those meetings to understand what's going on. The minutes just don't cut it. Unless you're a school board member and a Parent group member- you could be your own Liason!
That does sound like a great idea. Let's start our own list. Definitely volunteer for the PTO. How about be room mom, chaperone a field trip, speak on career day, attend a PTO meeting. Anyone else?
At Ohio PTO conference, Tim has mentioned a form that could be sent home to all parents asking them to volenteer for 1 hour during the school year. I think it was called "107 things you can do to help your school". This was such a great idea. Does anyone have a sample form that they use. We send home a form twice a year with a limited number of committees a person could volenteer for. I think we could get more parents involved with the school if the list was expanded.