We have an awesome FCRC at our elementary school. We have a food closet, school supplies, games, fun activities and learning throughout the week for the parents and the PTO also uses to the room along with the parent volunteers to work on projects for the school. We have a Grow and Learn Storytime for small children, English Conversation group/GED study, Student banking day with a local bank, Homework help before school. You should contact your school district to see if they have someone who is running a center for you to talk to
22 years 7 months ago - 10 years 6 months ago#106931by ptsoparent
Mary Berry - sounds just like our school - we are finally almost done with 4 new classrooms to our school and our principal would like to give us one of the free rooms next year as a Parent Volunteer / PTSO room...we are so excited about it. We hope to have a small play area for the preschoolers which will allow many parents with ounger children to come in and help...maybe our laminator in the room along with our die cuts so that we can do projects for teachers all while letting the younger ones run around without bothering anyone...the ideas are endless...we might have a teacher drop off sport for things to be copied, stapeled, etc...there are never ending tasks to be done
Last edit: 10 years 6 months ago by lharac. Reason: broken link
Hey MaryBerry!! Most of the elementary schools in our district have a Parent Resource Center that is part of the Title I Program. We also have a parent/teacher liason who runs the PRC three days a week. There are computers, games, puzzles, videos, books and all sorts of other cool things available to the parents to borrow. Of course, the computers have to stay there, but parents can check out the other stuff just like in a library. This is also where we hold our executive board meetings during the school day. We love our PRC!!
Hi all - during our current complete-school renovation (YEAH!) our new principal found an extra room that she would like us to turn into a Parent/Family Center. We LOVED the idea! Maybe a place for moms to hang out if they are having trouble disconnecting with their new student. Place for PTO "stuff"! Sign-ups for upcoming PTO events. Copies of textbooks for parents to review, etc... Does anyone have something like this? How does it work? Any ideas?!?