Start at the beginning...get out your Articles of Association and Bylaws. Ours defines the purpose of our organization. As part of our reorganization, we have updated our purpose and are in the process of defining the direction we will be going in the coming year. Where our focus will it raising funds for new playground equipment, buying books for the library, etc.
Our problems are not any different than any others that have been posted here. We are attempting to do all of this with less than 10 people showing up at general meetings. One step at a time and progress in inches!
Maybe to help bridge the gap between parent, teacher and student. Whatever that means, and whatever it takes. I have seen a lot of instances where the teacher and child are working hard together, but the parent does not realize the role they play in all this, or the parent has such concerns about the child, the teacher needs additional support to help implement a solution. I think getting all parents, teachers and students to realize it takes all three would be a big win!
pto (parent teacher organization) which only consists of parents at our pto. what do we stand for? are we here to supply the teacher with lunchons, breakfast gift cert for christmas, and
gift during teacher apprecitation week?
or are we here to improve the ability for our
students growth and well being for education?