Our biggest 'fundraiser' is not a traditional fundraiser. It's our school carnival. We get almost everything donated from area businesses, which means we get most of the profit. Each class makes a themed basket (sports, pamper mom, candles, we even had a Coca Cola basket this year). We auction the baskets off at the carnival. We also have a drawing for prizes every 30 minutes,and sell the tickets for $1 each. Of course we also have fun stuff for the kids, games, face painting, a jupiter jump, things like that, and the adults love to play Bingo so we have that too. If you're interested, I can send you some more information about our carnival. The first year I was a PTO member at our school, we made $1200 at the carnival (after expenses), last year we made $1500, and this year we made $2600!!! It doesn't seem like a fundraiser because people are having fun, and they get something out of it, whether it's a sno-cone, a prize from a game, or even their face painted. We are considered a high-poverty school, but the parents really seem to come out for this. We push it to the kids the week before, and we give the teachers carnival tickets to reward the kids with for good behavior. We sell our tickets for 25 cents each, or 24 for $5(4 free tickets). If you are interested, feel free to e-mail me, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and I'd be happy to send you some more detailed information on putting one together. I hope everything works out for you!