How about giving your principal a copy of PTOToday's recent issue that highlighted the parent group of the year. It's a great testamonial to the power of a parent-run organization. Maybe Tim will send you a copy if you don't have one already. Add a cover letter explaining your goals. Good Luck!
I think "slow and steady" will win this race. We had an overbearing/controlling board a few years ago, and part of that board was fired mid-year. As the new board was able to prove itself little by little, more responsibility was given to the new board. The principals have enough work to do. If they're so controlling, maybe there's a good reason.
I need some ideas on how to work around the principal. During the spring of last year I became heavily involved in helping at my son's school. The parent group consisted of 3 parents doing whatever the principal told them to do. As I became more involved and asked more questions, such as where are the by-laws,where is the checkbook, etc., The principal became very disruptive. I then suggested a PTA or PTO to have things more organized and to have more accountablity. Now this year, no one on the teaching staff or in the office will even speak to me. I need some help to show these people a well organized parent group can do so much more than just bake sales at back to school night. HELP!