I am looking into doing an end of the year survey to see what our PTO did this year that parents liked or disliked. If anyone has this type of form, please e-mail it to me! Thanks in advance.
Debbie This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our PTO form is turning into an epic. We have solicited staff to find out what their needs are and the range is diverse. We have managed to group some of the items into PTO stuff and general stuff. We are trying to work towards having as many parents involved as we can. Some parents are happy to sign up to help their children's teacher/s but don't feel comfortable running a program. We try to cater for all parents and get as much help as we can in the school. Our form is not yet complete as it is still evolving. I am putting out a couple of sheets of explanations for the various positions so that when folks sign up over the next few months they have an idea about what we are trying to do.
Midfield High School
22 years 7 months ago#95093by Midfield High School
I'd be interested in receiving any survey/forms that you can send me. I am compiling and comparing.
Fax number is 205-923-3197 and my email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks in advance.
TO HAPYYTOHELP - I would love to send over the forms that we have but you didn't leave a fax# or email - please sned me an email and I will get them on their way to you This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi, I would love to see a copy of your VIP Volunteer form. We have a great deal of difficulty getting volunteers for various PTO activities at our school, although classroom volunteers are rather common. We would like to get more people involved with helping with our fundraisers, dances, etc. Any forms you would like to share relating to any PTO business, such as budgets, membership, etc. would be greatly appreciated. I would appreciate an e-mail. Thank you.