Our bylaws don't get into it. When we wrote them we had no idea what we were really doing, so we looked at others and went from there. It was something we just didn't anticipate. It's nice to know there are still innocents out there, isn't it?
Sure we could remove her--and don't think it hasn't been discussed. But you know how
that goes, and since her term is up this June our thinking is to avoid the drama if we can. This is our last fundraising event--the only other things we have are Market Day (which basically runs itself) and we're selling personalized bricks. I work with that chair, and she's dependable.
To be truthful we're wondering why we thought of having a fundraising chair in the first place. We take any suggestions from the membership, look into them and then present them for a vote. We're thinking of changing the position to "Fundraising Coordinator/Advisor" or maybe removing it altogether since we really don't need it. This wouldn't have been such a big deal if the woman we'd chosen: a) hadn't taken on so much (and yes, we did mention this to her, though I think when we finally get a hold of her we're just going to have to be blunt and tell her while she THINKS she can handle it, we're seeing she can't and give examples), b) was more dependable about communicating and c) wasn't so stubborn about her opinions and accepting that there is a higher authority than her. In other words, if she wasn't such a PIA!