We are having our Fall Festival this Friday along with a silent auction, but our items are piddly compared to what I'm seeing, I'd also love the list, letters, addresses, whatever information you can provide!!!
Thank you soooooooo much!!!
~Cheree~ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If anyone received a reply from Terri with a list of auction items received....mind sharing the wealth?
I've sent nearly 800 letters this year (our first auction event) and I got back many no's and even many more no responses...gggrrr! That is such poor business!
We're a small school but we also did receive disney park hopper tickets, JetBlue tickets, South West gift certificates, local helicopter ride, hot air balloon rides in Niagara Falls, NY
stuff like that. We also received alot of certificates from local merchants...hair, nails, dining, that kind of thing.
I'm already working on next year so if you have something to share I'd love to hear it!
If you could send me a list of addresses/contacts I would greatly appreciate it! What amazing donations you got for your silent auction! Thanks and great job!! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.