try the reverse, call the stores in your area, and inquire if they have such a program.
so what if XYZ grocery offers money back, if its not in your area, it wont help you much.
we bring in 20k per year using all the local grocery store programs, and a couple large Mall stores are included (bigger ticket items there, obviously).
we are not a big school, but since freidns and family can sign up too, i have no idea how many people participate to generate that much $$$ but it seems a great cost/benefit fundrasier, and once launched, its the gift that keeps giving, year after year.
18 years 5 months ago#92601by <beignets&coffee>
Check out this webstore:
They donate 90% of profits on books, CD's, and DVD's to the school of your choice. I ordered $25 worth of books and $2.40 or so was donated to my son's elementary school. Mom in Oregon
We run the Kroger cares program. It's been HUGELY successful for us - %6,000 last year with only about 50 active users. The best part of their program is that you aren't setting up a credit account. Kroger doesn't even get identifying info from you. We pre-buy the cards, load them with $5 to start, and then resell them to the parents who reload them each time they need to buy groceries. PTO just sits back and gets a check each month - like magic! I don't want to set up a bunch of odd-ball credit card accounts, but this program doesn't require you to. If you have Kroger in your area, check it out (and no, I don't work for them!).
So funny- I was just doing research on this this morning.
There are of course the Box Tops & Campbells. Tyson has their A+ program.
Staples will give schools $1 for each inkjet cartridge you bring in- there are other companies that will give you $ for these, (up to $4) but Staples seems to be everywhere, so it is easy. Lots of companies will give you money for old cell phones. We are using Motorola.
Amazon will give you up to 10% of purchases
Verizon will give you 5% of long distance
There is,, & that will give you varying percentages if you shop online through them. (I cannot vouch for any of these online companies-we have not used them yet-but they exist.)
If you are in Oregon or Washington state, there is a company called NORPAC that will give you money for UPC's from their products.
In New England, Hood will give you money for milk caps through the middle of October. The school that collects the most milk caps wins a visit from the New England Patriots.
Also in New England, Hannaford runs Hannaford Helps Schools in the fall. If you buy certain products you get a coupon/voucher dealy at checkout that your school can redeem. The school that collects the most at each store wins an additional $1000. (I think a lot of grocery chains run a similar program.)
I read about Kmart School Spirit Program, but I think they have discontinued it.
This is not a redemption/% thing, but Hollywood Video/Movie Gallery are partners w/PTO Today in the Family Movie Nights. I believe they also offer free movie coupons for school functions. This is just what I found today. If you Google school label redemption, school label collection & things like this, you can kind of weed through some junk and find new programs. A lot of times, school PTO/PTA websites come up and you can get ideas from what they are using.
Hope this helps!