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Fundraising Nightmare-Please Help

20 years 5 months ago #92478 by Serendipity
We use to do a fundraiser with the company owned by a teacher in our school. We never had any problems. These are the things I think need to be considered.

Is this a fundraiser you would be interested in? If she did not own the company is it something you otherwise might do as a fundraiser?

If you decide to go with it I would make sure she agrees that she will not solicit the people who supported the fundraiser.

Someone other then her must chair and run the fundraiser.
20 years 5 months ago #92477 by Bertha
We have a policy as well. I'm the PTA pres. and I have my own business but I would never, never do it for my school. I also will not do it for any other school in town as I feel its still a conflict of interest since a lot of these kids are in my scout group or cheerleading squad.

If you let one parent do it then you open yourself up to having to do it for all the other parents. If you don't then you get accused of playing favorites. To avoid this at our school I asked the principal to mention it at one of our fundraising meetings. He stands by us and agrees with it.
20 years 5 months ago #92476 by njmom
We have a policy that we will not run any fundraisers through a parent's business. Just don't want to get into any issues of favoritism or conflict of interest. The additional issue of giving her access to personal information would make me very uncomfortable.
20 years 5 months ago #92475 by ScottMom#1
The President of our PTO is trying to get us to do a fundraiser with her company. She says that since the school will be getting all the profits we can do this. My questions is, since she would be getting free advertising and access to all of the students families on her selling list, isn't this a conflict of interest? Someone suggested that she step down from her position if we do this fundraiser. Has anyone had a smiliar situation or any thoughts on this?

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
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