Good luck with this, but do be sure to check out the local/state laws regarding holding a raffle. I was talking to our principal yesterday and he mentioned some schools in our area (Texas) held raffles as fundraisers and later found out it was illegally handled.
It's probably controlled by whatever state entity monitors sales tax, gaming, and/or lottery.
CHRYSTAL you have been very helpful please send the cost break -down on hereI would really appreciate it .As for the computer we ordered ours today through our school for $1,000 it is an I mac what do you think about that brand ? Thanks again you have been so helpful.
Hi again>>>We sent home a book of tickets home with each student with an information note. We asked that any parent who wanted more to send in a note. We would send them however mant books they needed. Because this was my first major event I wanted to make sure everything was accounted for. What I did was....when I got the stubs back I made sure that the selling child's name and room # was on the back of each ticket. I also wrote down on a list the name of the child and how many tickets they sold... The kids did all of the delivering of stubs and money. We purchased our computer up front because the local computer stores (Best Buy and Sears) had already chosen there sponser school for that year. You may want to check with your local stores. As an incentive to get them to donate or give you a reduced price suggest that you will have their store name printed directly on each raffle ticket. Good Advertising for them. I hope yours goes well>>>if you want a complete cost breakdown of our raffle just e-mail me and I'll send it to you:)
Did you have the kids sell these tickets and collect the money or did the parents have to pick them up ? Did you buy the computer out right or was it donated ?I could use any information you have please respond your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the information and another question I had was how much did you sell them for ? please respond we want to begin selling tickets November 1 ,2000 for the drawing to be held December 11,2000 in order to get the computer home in time for a nice christmas present.Thanks again !