I'm getting into the grab bag idea for our silent auction. I was going to experiment with 50 bags, but I'm getting such a great response that we've bumped it up to as many as 250 bags.
Depending on what's finally donated, we'll charge $3-5 for each.
It looks like each bag will have at least ten items - a poster, pencil or pen, 2 coloring/activity books, a small toy, cookbooks from Wisconsin Cheese, educational pamphlet (ie Help Your Child Read), mug or other pormotional items, free certificates to fitness clubs, karate lessons, donuts and I'm trying to find t-shirts and/or baseball caps.
I can give a list of my sources if anyone is interested. It has been fun to do. I was sick, so this was something I did online and over the phone. I didn't ask for 250 of anything. I asked for 5 to 20 of each item and if the operator seemed willing, then I asked for more. I also asked if there were other items available. They were very nice and helpful.
Here are a few sources:
EPA posters and activity books - Search "poster" and "activity book"
National Center for Exploited and missing children - 8 rules of safety posters- first 50 free plus they have a catalog of other publications - 1-800-843-5678
CDC - smoke free posters w/ Boys II Men and Christy Turlington - 1-770-488-5705 (allow 4 weeks)
Alcohol and Drug free clearing house - call for catalog - 1-800-729-6686
I also contacted local businesses for donations if I thought they wouldn't be able to donate otherwise -
Insurance companies and real estate agents often have extra promos:
State Farm - mugs and waterbottles
Real estate agent - notebooks, nice pens
I will be contacting the local fast food chains for toys from kids meals. Some are quite elaborate.
I also offered to let the direct sales donors (Mary Kay, Pampered Chef) put in a promotional gift with their card attched. I haven't gotten conclusive answers back on that yet.
I will find some attractive bags (Marie Calendars?) to put the items in and then staple a list of the grab bag donors to each one. Even though not every bag will have something from each vendor, the vendors get some advertising and people will know what might be inside. Anything too big to fit in a bag (ie rolled posters) will have a number assigned to it and a bag will have a slip with that number to redeem it.
I started this 2 weeks ago and now have too many boxes in my living room. And I still have tons coming.
Also if you have any ideas, I will gladly try them out.