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Internet Search Engine Fundraisers?

18 years 5 months ago #91747 by Debbieomi
We started at the end of the school year. I put it in our newsletter and I also got our computer tech to add it to all school computers. Only problem is it is just one of four approved, so it isn't used as much as I would like to see.
They also told me that they prefer to not list PTA/PTO, but an entire school district. I am going to push this one hard. I "google" anywhere from 10-100 times a day. Why not raise money for my school while doing it?

[ 09-19-2006, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Debbieomi ]
18 years 5 months ago #91746 by OaklandparkMom
how much until you can cash out?
18 years 5 months ago #91745 by lemonrasp
Started the GOODSEARCh program at our school. It gives you 1cent per seach. So far so good. Since school opened 8/25 we have raised $9.19. The parents can download a tool bar. It is powered by Yahoo. It seems to be going really well for us.
18 years 5 months ago #91744 by CapeDad
We signed up for

Free -- only took a few minutes.

If it is promoted aggressively and people buy into it, you can make a little something for nothing.

I downloaded their toolbar to test. There does not seem to be any type of malware associated with it, which was my biggest concern.

I have been using it as my default search for about a month, and we're up to about $2.

We are trying to get the school to use it as the default search page in place of Google. We bought them a computer lab; it's the least they could do ;)

We'll start promoting this week. I'll let you know in February how well it works.

If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down. <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
18 years 5 months ago #91743 by Rockne
Have heard of it. Have not heard of a single group making anything more than pennies off of it.


PTO Today Founder
18 years 5 months ago #91742 by weezy1995
Internet Search Engine Fundraisers? was created by weezy1995
Last night at our PTO meeting, one of the moms mentioned that at her sons middle school, they have a fundraiser where you go to yahoo, are given a search engine address for your school and then everytime someone uses your schools search engine, your school is awarded money. Has anyone heard of this? If so, what are your opinions of it and is it worth looking into?

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