Other areas you might want to considere could be:
Internet safety
Electrical safety
Water safety
How to react in an emergency
What about just general safety? My kids have a CD called "Safety scavenger hunt". It's an animated program where the child goes from room to room in the house picking out the unsafe features like things to trip over, sharp objects, slick floors, etc. It would be pretty easy to simulate a real life game.
Here are some web resources:
This is a GREAT site with links to many, many children's safety sites from everthing from First Aid to Farm Safety to Fireworks.
) has some safety videos in its list of educational videos that are available free to schools. One is "Electrical Safety Tips with Safety Man" - a 13 minute video. It usually takes a few weeks to get their stuff.
Childrens safety with popular McGruff character. Can order booklets, comic books, etc. (I like the second web site better.)
Consumer Product Kid Safety site. Has booklets you can order.
variety of games, puzzles, worksheets on the kids site of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Food Safety
Kid's Internet Safety Slide Show (About.com)
kidshealth.about.com/kids/kidshealth/gi/dyn amic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ou.edu%2Foupd%2Fkidsafe%2Fstart.htm
Kids Domain Safe Surfing
These could be some pretty heavy topics if you aren't careful to put a positive spin on everything. Maybe as a final booth you need one on "Silly Safety" where you just do goofy, crazy activities to "protect" them from being sad and serious!
I'd like to hear how the event turns out. Good luck!
[This message has been edited by JHB (edited 04-17-2001).]