Okay, that sounds much more appealing.
I agree with the teachers on doing it over the summer. I'm going to ask to do that.
One thing I would love to do is go garage saling armed with a letter about next year's auction. I have found so many business owners who have closed shop and are selling their inventory at the neighborhood garage sale. If I go late on the last day, odds are good they'll just want to get rid of what's left. (Small items are good for baskets, grab bags and door prizes.)
Yes, every single cent was divided among the teachers that participated. The Parent-Teacher Club didn't make money. Approximately 35 teachers participated and each teacher, or group of teachers that collaborated, was given a check...in their name...for $297. Thank you for your suggestions!
We are a small community in which almost every family has 2 working parents. While I agree that the primary job of schools is to teach, I think it should be recognized that parents also work outside the home, and make time to help the schools. We have parents volunteer to make copies, stuff "Friday Folders", make snacks, and so much more. I also understand, and agree, that teachers work very hard to better our children. But it would also be nice if the teachers recognized what the parents do too. Many of the teachers get summer months off, and parents don't. Several teachers have asked if they can make contacts over the summer because of this fact.
Wait...I just reread that.. did every single cent get divided up between the teachers? Not a little to the teachers and a lot to programs? :eek: Okay, nevermind, they might be more willing in that case.
Maybe you could give a pertentage to each teacher just for being a great teacher and then an extra percentage for each contact they make. For example, 50-75% is divided equally. Then make a sheet of 10-20 names and each finished sheet is an extra share of the remaining funds. Or ask a few teachers directly how to do it. I'm not sure I've seen a fundraiser that was just for discretional funds for the classrooms. ('Course I'm new.) Your teachers must like that.
We're asking the teachers to coordinate class baskets and that can be a lot to do. Maybe the regular board members can be required to do some calls.(?) I have found that the average person does NOT like soliciting donations.
I could almost hear a chorus of crickets when I asked for more help. I have over 1000 more leads but no physical way to follow up on them all because I work on baby time. [img]smile.gif[/img]
Our teachers have already helped with so many fundraisers (collecting money, advertising, reminders, ect), I wouldn't presume to demand more. I like the idea of breaking it up for more people to do. I myself would not call on the teachers, though.
I would prefer the teachers in our school concentrate on TEACHING, not fundraising, that is what we are for... Your requirements seem heavy for an already overworked group of people.
The teachers already facilitate our theme baskets, our flyers, our giftwrap catalogs...they do a lot to support us.