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Scrapbooking Fundraiser

18 years 5 months ago #90341 by nicurn
Replied by nicurn on topic RE: Scrapbooking Fundraiser

all have donation requests online.

good luck, maggie
18 years 6 months ago #90340 by britnchick
You may want to check with your local Creative Memories consultant, who may be able to organize and set up a fundraiser Camp-crop-a-lot!!
18 years 9 months ago #90339 by Mom2Punkin
We are trying to come up with new ideas for next year. At least 2 of us on the board are scrapbookers and this was one of our first thoughts.
18 years 9 months ago #90338 by troopersma
You could also talk to a local Close to My Heart rep. They do fundraisers and donate a percentage of their "profit". You could have them teach a particular "subject" (ie an accordian album) and have them figure out the cost per person for the materials. Then advertise it as a class in a flyer sent home to parents. CM or other companies may do this as well.

Also, if you write a lot of the scrapbooking companies and let them know you are a non-profit many will donate to you. You could hold a crop (charge enough $ to cover room rental & food and a little extra which will be your income from the event) and advertise goodie bags from major companies or if you had enough you could do the crop PLUS have a raffle at the crop for any higher priced donations.

Just a few ideas from a scrapbooker!

18 years 9 months ago #90337 by ademom74
Go to They have warehouse sales twice a year here in NJ. Don't know where you live or if they have warehouses other places that run similiar events.I went to a sale recently and the items were really really cheap. Example: packs of paper- $1, punches - $1, pens, dot pens, Laura Ashley albums- $5, die cuts, dimensional stickers, rub ons... you name it, they were selling it and very cheaply.

The PTO could buy the items, resell at the event and cut out the middle man. Any leftover materials could be carried over to another event or donated to the school for teachers to use.
Food for thought.
18 years 9 months ago #90336 by ScottMom#1
I'm not sure, but I think I saw that Kathryn Beich runs a program that sells scrapbook and other craft supplies.
I know Oriental Trading does as well.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but it's all i've got.

The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
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