We used "World's Finest Chocolate" which is offered through Reader's Digest QSP fundraising program. They truly are good quality and they sell like hotcakes! Go to their web site www.QSP.com
and click on products. Then you can click on food/chocolates. They were fantastic to work with, offered great incentives and sold themselves. It was so successful that we signed on to do their larger QSP fundraiser for next year. Last, yes, we did have parents pay up front. There could be some flack in the beginning but most were fine with it and it was the easiest fundraiser we ever did.
If you have funds upfront, Sam's Club is a good choice because you can buy what you need and not get stuck with leftovers.
Our school used Kathryn Beich (nestle) products for our last candy bar sale. They have a grace period, a very small minimum, and bonuses with bigger orders. They are also offering deals on Classroom Clicker sets.
We have asked parents to pay up front before. This isn't the easiest way to get more people to sell because they don't always have funds upfront, but it is a good way to protect your group. I believe we asked for a $20 reservation fee if they wanted their child to participate-this was for a $48 box fo candy.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
We are thinking of selling $1 hersey bars for a fundraiser. Does anyone have advise on the best company to use. Do you have parents purchase the boxes up front? Thanks