The school is planning a re-grand opening for our new site and I have been asked (as a PTO rep) to be on the committee. We have 850 students with 200-250 of these new students from the new area. The business manager is worried that all 1000 families will show and we will run outta food! I was just warned of this today by the chair and am about ready to die laughing! The last potluck we hosted (the PTO) we did have 250-300 attend out of a 650 student population and had food left over! How have you all faired on these?
The Bus. Mgr. also wanted to turn this into a money raising event. We are moving into a depressed neighborhood and all of us on the committee couldn't have disagreed more with the idea.
So sometime Monday I'm suppose to talk to her and answer all these crazy notions! I'm so nervous about the first PTO meeting of the year that night and now this too! Anyone know of any cheap fights to.....ANYWHERE!