One thing we did last year that the kids liked was bobbing for apples. Not the traditional type of bobbing though. Bobbing for apples in a tub of water just seems so gross to me after everyone has slobbered in the water.
I'm not sure if there is a name for it but I call it Bobbing for Apples from Trees. You'd have to have an area with several trees or maybe one tree with a lot of low branches. We hung lots of strings at different levels for different sizes of kids and put clothes pins on the ends. To the ends of the clothes pins, we hooked the apples by the stems. The kids had to try to eat the apple without touching it. The kids were told to pick an apple and that was their apple and once their mouth touched it not to switch to another. Between classes we replaced the apples. The apples were ordered from food service and came already cleaned.
The kids loved it and some of the teachers even gave it a try. It was lots of fun to watch too.
We also have had a soda walk. Kinda like a cake walk but with 2 liter bottles of soda that we had Parents donate.
What about the old game where you put the orange under your chin and pass it chin to chin down the line to see which team can get it to the end first?
Races where they put a ball or balloon between their knees and have to make it to a finish line?
at our school we have a kindergarten fall fest. one of the activities we did was each class assembled a scarecrow and then it became part of that classes class decoration. it went over great. you would be surprised at the creativity that these little ones. we had a wide variety of different scarecrows. each teacher sent home a list asking for donations of old clothes,hats we even had some in dresses. the kids had a blast!
Who has some great stories to tell? We're looking for ideas to use during our FallFest afternoon. Has anyone done scarecrow assembly, dunking for apples? I want to hear the good and ugly - what worked, what didn't. Our age group is younger, 5-9. This would be an afternoon event, hopefully in the sun. Time is ticking, let's hear those ideas!