I understand many of you are having difficulty with corporate donations from Home Depot. My husband works in the corporate world for Home Depot. The corporate donation options available are very competitive thus feel limited. However, the suggestion given has been to go into your local Home Depot and speak to the Store Manager. Understand they can not promise the world but Store Managers have discretion options. In my humble opinion the message here is that HD would like to work with the community to better their community & build a community relationship at the local level. One great idea I would suggest is to be put on their racing visitation scedule or try a cook out while their racing team visits your local HD.
continued from up above:
They replied back to me within a couple of days. On the email they gave me a code to carry into our local store and they filled out a gift certificate for me.
Most corporations require that you submit your donation letters at least 6-8 months in advance due to their budget allocated for donations. Also, if you let them know exactly what you need they will tend to donate better than if you just submit a letter requesting anything they could give.
I wouldn't try Home Depot, I didn't have any luck with them. Lowes will help with big projects such as revamping a plaground or any other big project you may have. They have a grant program. What you need to do is go online and under their toolbox section is where you apply and you need to do this at least 6-9 months in advance.
Portrait Innovations were great. I went into the local store in our area and they gave me a form with directions. I had to email the corporate office and answer the questions on the form. They replied back to me within a couple of days. On the email they gave me a code to carry into our l
some chain companies will donate even though you have to go thru there corporate offices. In the past Blockbuster, PetSmart, etc. have donated. It's time consuming, but most of the time you will get like a gift card from the company.
HELP -- we are gearing up for our March Basket raffle and wondered if anyone could tell me which corporate companies we should not waste our time sending request letters to. For instance, I know Blockbuster only donates through the corporate office but read that you shold send to the regional offices. How about Home Depot and Lowes? Can anyone recommend a few they had success with? Any help is greatly appreciated. MJ Guard