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ice cream social

24 years 4 months ago #87284 by gifford
Replied by gifford on topic RE: ice cream social
get your principal and some very key teachers to sing karaoke! sounds wierd but it will keep the kiddos from turning this function into a major game of tag. then if kids and parents want to join in have a sign up sheet ready!!
24 years 4 months ago #87283 by 4 kids
Replied by 4 kids on topic RE: ice cream social
Do you usually have entertainment at these socials? I have been told that it's not enough to serve ice-cream and SOCIALize. It seems to complicate a good simple idea. Any comments? Thanks.
24 years 6 months ago #87282 by momofalltrades
Replied by momofalltrades on topic RE: ice cream social
We too have had an ice cream social for the last couple of years. We did ours a little differently. The PTO paid for everything and it was free to the families of the school district. We went through Dairy Queen and received ready to serve ice cream for $0.45 per serving. We also purchased two types of toppings. Dairy Queen provided the spoons and napkins as well as coupons for free ice cream for every student. This was very affordable and the families enjoyed getting together before the start of the new school year. We had some older girl scouts come and do face painting for the children. It has been a lot of fun.
24 years 6 months ago #87281 by mamapres
Replied by mamapres on topic RE: ice cream social
At our ice cream socials, we have all the teachers bring their favorite sundae mix. They then, serve the ice cream. We charge $1.00 for each bowl.
We have everyone purchase $1.00 tickets, then they can go to the table of their choice and eat and eat!!
24 years 6 months ago #87280 by MicheleC
Replied by MicheleC on topic RE: ice cream social
As a mother of two lactose intolerant (milk allergic) children, one suggestion: have some ice pops or italian ices available for the children who cannot eat ice cream. You would be surprised at the number of children with this problem who are often forgotten. The other option is fruit sorbet. Not sherbet--that has milk in it.

It may not be a problem at your school, but check with the school nurse. She could give you an idea of how many, if any you have.

The toppings also need to be chosen with the milk allergy in mind. Gummy bears, raisins, graham cracker crumbs, etc. all are acceptable.

Good luck!
24 years 6 months ago #87279 by LPease7393
Replied by LPease7393 on topic RE: ice cream social
kak, first off you should register with PTO today in order to recieve private emails.
Second, ice cream socials are alot of fun. I have done them the past 3 years. I don't know if you have a Friendly's Ice Cream shop, but they have sold us Sundaes for $ 1.00 a piece, pre scooped, cups for the last 3 years. They also provide all topping and utensils. They are wonderful. We sell the tickets for $ 1.25 per person. We average 400 sundaes at the social. It's a blast.
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