Have you thought of having the parents help with organizing the fair then getting the Jr &/or Sr High kids to help run the fair. Some High schools have leadership clubs that do service projects and need to fill service hours for National Honor Society. Just a thought!
We normally do our fun fair in the spring. Along with the 5 other elementary schools in our area. I want to get these parents excited about the school and our activities. But, I'm at a loss as to how to do it....
Wow!! Your fun fair last year brought you $7000 after paying for everything? We did one last year and barely broke even. But this year we're in the same boat, because of lack of volunteers we're not having our fun fair either. We were thinking that if we have enough help maybe we can do it in the spring. Hopefully by then we can get more "active" members.
Last night was our first PTO meeting and the decision was made to cancel this years fun fair due to lack of volunteers and enthusiasm. Does anyone have any ideas what to do instead of the fun fair? Last years fun fair brought in only $7000 and Mr. Z's brought in about the same. What can we do instead? Thank you!