I almost couldn't find the prize list...
Unless otherwise noted, all prizes were donated.
Top three students from both jogs (multi-track year round) lunch w/ the principal in a limo.
And this year top three top on down chose from three prizes, a bike, game boy, boombox. Although in years past it was a top prize from top 1 at each jog got the limo lunch only.
The top earner from each grade, from each jog, got a $50 savings bond and a computer game. 6th graders do not earn any prizes but instead keep all the money they earn for their end of the year activities/trips. (Our total earned last year didn't include the 6th grade money)
Top average earned per student classroom got bounce house party and ice cream.
2nd prize (averaged) Port of subs lunch party.
We also asked students to send out mailers to out of town sponsors (grparents etc) and 10 or more mailers returned got a Playful Potter party for two.
Pledge sheets have 25 lines and completed pledge forms with a min of $50 per form, got 2-1 sitting fee playful potter & a candy bar.
All kids who participate got popsicles last year and water bottles this year. (In years past, we bought ribbons)
$5-25- 2 Yu Gi Oh cards and a free slurpee (I had it wrong before about the level)
$26-$50-Above + money tote(purchased)
$51-$100-above + school pencil, special pen
$101-$200-above + 2-1 passes to skating rink, goody bag($20-$30 value, contains donated items like UNR games, pizzas, passes to Fun Quest anything we could get donated or purchased by a benefactor)
$201+- above + Lava lamp (purchased, I think,)Yu Gi Oh 9 pack(includes rare card, donated by local collectibles store)
Money Jump- A strip is laid out on floor with levels like $1 at front, candy bar next, $2 candy bar etc (important- strip is marked to represent, candy and money aren't on the strip) and during an assembly like presentation, kids jump, like long jump and they get whatever they land on plus everything behind it.
If the set goal is reached, ours has been $40,000 past two years, a pajama party for entire school, including teachers.
It works so well, it is our only PTA fundraiser for the year and we bill it as such.
"Only fundraiser, no other requests for money etc"