I saw a nice idea at The relay for life this year. The person took small gift boxes like earring boxes and you bought a box for $1.00. She had a dollar coin in one, supermarket coins, candy etc. Other s had a piece of papaer stating you won a relay hat, t shirt, she also had some big prizes like an Ipod, radio, cd player etc. I thought it was a really cute idea.
I am also looking for help on ideas, I do have an idea for you. We have a silent auction every year. It goes over very well and makes a good profit since all items at auction are donated. Be ready at the end of auction have several volunteers ready to pick those papers up because people want to win and try to keep writing in their bid at the last min. Its is fun!
I saw a really neat idea at a 4th of July carnival this year. Someone took rain gutters and filled them with water (about 4 ft long) had 5 in a row (like lanes)put a rubber ducky in each lane, and handed the kids a squirt bottle (set on STREAM) and they squirted the ducks down to the finish line!! The kids loved it, and I am definitely using this idea for our Carnival in May. We also used a Dunk tank for the first time this year, and we were able to Dunk both the Principal and Vice Principal!! The line NEVER ended!! Have Fun!