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class made auction items

23 years 8 months ago #80315 by DebbieCZ
Replied by DebbieCZ on topic RE: class made auction items
We just finished our school silent auction. The big money winner was a picnic table painted by the kids (age 50). They put finder prints in their circle and a parent made butterflies, catterpillars, bugs out of them. We included the teachers too. It sold for $2,300! The idea came from Family Fun magazine - a day care center had made a games table. Other ideas included a cd shelf unit painted like a spaceship (the kids had studied outerspace), cookbook & apron w/handprints. It seems that tying in the subject they studied to the theme of the project helped sell the item. Best of luck! P.S. Make sure you talk to the teachers first and get their ok/assistance. And...this may sound underhanded, but we have a small school and knew the three parents who would bid the "big" bucks, so we involved them in the project. They were so proud of themselves/kids that they all wanted the table (hence the $2,300 price).
23 years 9 months ago #80314 by Norman
Replied by Norman on topic RE: class made auction items
Items that the kids have helped make will bring some of the highest prices of the entire auction. In addition to the other items posted by others, here are a few more ideas.

If you can find someone to sew a quilt together, have each of the kids paint a panel, and sign or initial it. I’ve auctioned these quilts from $300 up to $1500!

A teacher can also put together a scrapbook along several themes…1) Ask the kids what their parents do for exercise…I’ve seen comments from the kids like "Daddy chases Mommy around the house", etc. 2) How do you cook a turkey? 3) a photo album of the kids in the classroom activities taken over several days.

If your school has an elevator, but limits the use to handicapped, offer a one week pass to use the elevator for non-handicapped. Also any other "special’ privileges for a short time that you can think of, either for only one student, or a small group.

Good Luck.
23 years 10 months ago #80313 by formykidz
Replied by formykidz on topic RE: class made auction items
Each year, our kindergarten teacher donates books made up using artwork from the class. For example there is a tooth fairy book where each child has drawn and dictated what they think the tooth fairy is on a tooth shaped page. The pages are laminated and bound. The books are always big winners. Another school had each child paint an angel and made a class book of angels.
23 years 10 months ago #80312 by intomykids
Replied by intomykids on topic RE: class made auction items
Hopefully my reply isn't too late. If so, use the ideas next year!

One of the parents at our school made a tea cart by having each child paint on a white 4 x 4 tile. They then broke each tile and set them mosaic stile on the top of the tea cart. It was then coated with a tile sealer. This item was beautiful! You could use this idea for almost any table top.

Some other ideas:
hand painted bird houses
Clay hand painted Dr. Suess animals put on an outdoor fountain.
Painted tablecloth and napkin set

Hope this helps.
23 years 10 months ago #80311 by suesue
Replied by suesue on topic RE: class made auction items
I was at an auction recently and seen a wooden chair that had been painted a light beige color and it was covered with the children's handprints in modern colors. It was real cute and it also had a small side table that went with it. I believe the set sold for around $300.00. They purchased the furniture from a thrift store for next to nothing and the teacher had the paint at home so besides the work involved it was a good profit:)
23 years 10 months ago #80310 by suesue
class made auction items was created by suesue
We are having a live auction at our school. Each class is making an item to place in the auction. These include such things as bookcases painted with the childrens' handprints, class quilts, etc. Do you have any more ideas of items classes could make? We have found that the more the student/class items are big sellers. The parents can't resist!! However, we are in need of new ideas! Thanks for your help.
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