I had a good experience ordering from Good Time Attractions last year. Their variety isn't as extensive as Oriental Trading, but they have similar merchandise (and a few things Oriental doesn't), plus the prices were generally a bit lower. I don't think they have a website- try the 800 number mentioned in a previous post. I liked them well enough that I will likely order from them again this year.
We use Rhode Island Novelty (1 800 528 5599) or www.rinovelty.com
we also use Kipp Brothers ( 1 800 428 1153) sorry I don't have a web address for ya . We used both for our fall carnival and got tons of prizes for next to nothing. You will save TONS with both !! Good Luck!
Last edit: 3 years 3 months ago by lharac. Reason: deleted broken gif
does anyone know of any companies that sell items that would be good prizes for our carnival. This is the first time our school is having a carnival and the only company I know of is Oriental trading are there any others? Thanks for all the info in advance.I could be e-mailed at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.