This would be a great question for our PTO & PTA Leaders group on Facebook. Have you joined our group? It's easy -- you just put in a request and I'll approve you.
We are thinking of doing a raffle for a weekend getaway to Indianapolis. Maybe 2 night stay, zoo tickets and Children's museum tickets with a $50 gas card and maybe $50 card for food.
Anyway I was looking for ideas on this. Mostly about how to make the tickets and have the kids sell them. Would it be best to make a ticket up that they fill out all their contact info and then just attach the money to the ticket (maybe with a paperclip) or would an envelope be best with printing on the the front for them to fill out their info? We have about 500 kids in our school and we were going to sell them for $5 a piece in hopes that each kid could at least sell 2.