Not knowing the specifics of what this parent wants, we can say that donating to another school is unusual. But there are circumstances where it would make sense--say there is a school in need. Regardless, try not to look at this as a complaint. Try to get all the details from this parent and put it out for discussion at a meeting to see what other parents think.
I am PTO President at a school that just raised 98K for our fall fundraiser, and now I have a parent that wants to complain. PLEASE help with advise.
She wants our board to vote and give a certain percentage we raise in the future to another school. Our school works very hard to raise funds for our school and teachers and we also have a Pay it Forward Program where parents can choose to adopt a student at another school for $5. At the end of our fundraiser we present check to that school. We also have a Community Outreach Chair on our board that helps with donations for clothes, food, adopt a family at Christmas, and numerous other out -reaches throughout the year.
Not sure how to handle this parent. Any suggestions Id appreciate. I feel it's not ethical for our school to raise funds for our school then give away to another? Especially when we already do so much for other schools already. We usually don't raise this much money, but we definitely need it at our own school. HELP?