- Membership - Membership Drive is a must, no matter how small - You can get coupons from Sonic - Chik Fil A - to hand out to anyone who signs up. Set a price - 3-4-5.00, even 50 members is helpful.
- We have a Fun Friday at lunch - we make popcorn and sell it for 50 cents a bag - snocones 1.00 - cookies - 50 cents a bag - We generate about 100-150 a week which isn't tons but every little bit helps. Even if you just started with popcorn! have to stay within healthy guidelines.
- School Dance - Little Overhead - 3.00 to enter - hotdogs, nachos, pickles, pop for concessions - Boom box -
- On donations, some companies don't care about 501 and some do! Some will accept just a letter
- Fall Carnival - Have parents donate candy - there are some EASY CHEESY booths you could have - 25 cents a throw or 5 for 1.00 -
- At the Movies (show during school) - 1.00 to enter - most will participate
- Parents Night Out - Babysitting - No overhead - games in one room - movie in one room - activities in one room Charge 5.00 for one child for 2-3 hours - Have a snack and koolaid - Must sign up so you can have help ready
- You could send out a flyer - FREE MEMBERSHIP first year - See how many sign up - have a form at bottom where they can sign up to help with PTO by way of baking - volunteering time - etc...
- Don't underestimate your parents - They may not can pay 5.00 a month or something but they can generally come up with 1.00 for things....
- Still thinking............