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Fundraising in a very rural/impoverished community

11 years 4 months ago #164567 by fundraisewithfitness
I work with a well know fitness company and we offer a healthy fundraiser that can be executed in person and online.

If you are interested I can explain the details.

Tom Perkins
Fundraise With Fitness
11 years 4 months ago #164547 by Nicole
Thanks for the ideas! I am actually just getting started. We just moved to the area and they got wind of my previous PTO experience and hit me up. Apparently last year the school attempted a few fundraisers, but people did not follow through and they all flopped. The community has sort of turned there back now. They are hoping that I can help to pick up the pieces. We are starting from ground zero, with no specific goal in mind, because funds are short everywhere in the school. I really need to get the Dean to pin point specifics. our school is 200 kids, with only half of the families willing to do anything at all. Unfortunately there were hard feelings when the school shut down and then became charter a year later.
We are in Hawaii, so we have a lot of tourist traffic. I think we should tap into that crowd, but I'm stumped for ideas.
We are 30+ miles from any town, so we have no local retailers. I will, however check with Target to see what they can do for us.
It was so easy in a large community, because there were always people to donate items and attend events.
Thanks again for you suggestions.
11 years 4 months ago - 11 years 4 months ago #164544 by Rose H
Hi Nicole,

Do you have specific fundraising goals in mind, meaning particular things you want to buy for the school? It may help, since fundraising may be difficult for your community, to try to do a fundraiser with a specific target in mind, say, outdoor or indoor gym equipment or a field trip. Sometimes, when folks know exactly what they are being asked to support, they are a more willing to pitch in.

You could try a yard sale/rummage sale, bake sale, or a bottle/can drives. Coupon books are sometimes good options, too.

Do you have retailers in your area that do give backs to schools when folks sign up for their school programs and shop at that retailer? One example is Target.

Are there any retailers in the area that would donate some goods (electronics would be great!) and you could hold a raffle?

Also, try collecting labels like Box Tops. It can be a lot of work at first trying to motivate people to send in their labels. But once you get on a roll, you'll find this can be an easy way to raise some funds for your school.

And, if you have a goal of making a big-ticket item purchase, you could consider applying for a grant. We have a good article on finding and seeking grants that you may find useful:

Finally, have you considered hosting a family event like a holiday get together and asking local area businesses to donate food, beverages or other services? It's worth trying to get some families together just so they feel a little bit more connected to the school community. They are more apt to support the school if they feel a connection.

Good luck,
Rose C
11 years 4 months ago #164540 by Nicole
I need some ideas for a fundraiser for a K-12 school. We have 210 students, from a variety of backgrounds. A large percent come from "at-risk" homes. I include this information because it will affect attendance at any fundraising events we have. Parents either don't have the money or the inclination to be a part of helping. That being said, we are located in an area with a lot of drive-by tourist traffic. Car washes may work, but most of the tourists are in rentals. We need something that will either grab the attention of other community members and/or tourist. Please help me with some ideas.
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