We have been asking for a direct donation for two years and it is very well received and successful. Parents and children do not have time to sell products door to door. Lets face it, the children aren't bringing the forms to work the parents are the one's selling the majority of the items. So many other organizations are fundraising like Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, booster clubs etc. A one time only check is easy and painless. Why give 50% of the money that is brought in to the wrapping paper company, cookie dough or anyother organiztion. 100% right back to your child's school. Be careful though it can limit you on student activities. You do not want to be accused of a asking for a one time donation and then charging students to attend bingo nights, family game nights, magic shows etc. Be upfront and honest with what will not be covered by the one time dontaion.
Our Elementary School does direct donations and we write a check at the beginning of the year. The upside is no fundraising, the downside is that not everyone participates. Company matching for the direct donation also helps.
Hi folks,
We've heard some talk lately about direct donations and we'd love to get your feedback. Have you tried direct donations? Been successful with them? Let us know what you think. We want to hear your thoughts!