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Let's just ask!

12 years 9 months ago #160919 by Rose H
Replied by Rose H on topic Re:Let's just ask!
Thanks for reply, NJmom. Do you also do community events not tied to fundraising, say a pasta supper or other event that more or less breaks even and really isn't intended to raise money but instead help people connect?
12 years 9 months ago #160906 by njmom
Replied by njmom on topic Re:Let's just ask!
We typically have about 10-15% of families participate. That is about average for the other fundraisers so we think that we are able to reach families that may not want/need the items from a traditional fundraiser like gift warp, pizza, candy, etc. I started this as my family does not need gift wrap during the holidays and I wanted the money I spent to go directly to our PTO. With an ethnically diverse population, this was the best solution for us. We typically raise about 20-25% of our annual budget in this way.

As far as catalog sales, we use Genevieve's in the fall and Gertrude Hawk in the spring. Both have participation rates that I mention above.
12 years 9 months ago #160884 by tdp917
Replied by tdp917 on topic Re:Let's just ask!
Yes, NJMom....that letter has some great information. Do you have any details on how many people participate in that option? What catalog sales have you found to work best? Thanks!
12 years 10 months ago #160782 by Rose H
Replied by Rose H on topic Re:Let's just ask!
Thanks for the input, NJmom. Can you share how many parents typically participate in this program?

Rose C.
12 years 10 months ago #160768 by njmom
Replied by njmom on topic Re:Let's just ask!
This is one version our school has used in the past with great success...

Our opt-out program is designed for families who are looking for an alternative to traditional fundraisers. You can still contribute to the PTO's efforts to provide programs and activities to our students. Make a direct tax-deductible donation to the XYZ PTO, and your child will receive credit for participating in each of our fundraisers. The recommended donation is $50 per student, but any amount is welcome and appreciated. Please send your check, payable to XYZ PTO, along with the form below, in an envelope marked XYZ PTO Opt-Out Program.

Your opt-out contribution may qualify for company-matching programs. If you work for a company that offers this benefit, please contact your human resources department for the proper form. Please fill out your employer's form and submit it, along with our opt-out form and your check, to our PTO. We will take care of submitting the completed form to your employer.

Thank you for participating. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ____, PTO Opt-Out Coordinator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
12 years 10 months ago #160743 by tdp917
Let's just ask! was created by tdp917
In considering our Fundraising options for the next school year, we've had some suggestions to "just ask for the donations." Has anyone here tried this approach? How well was it received? Any advice on the best way to approach it? I've seen several websites for different schools that seem to be giving it a try. Any responses are appreciated!
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