We quit Campbells soup labels because we just didn't get enough to make it worthwhile and you have to chose from their catalog for redemption.
We also have Spirit Nights involving local restaurants (Chick-Fil-A and Pappa John's Pizza) which isn't too much of a burden on parents to eat out once or twice a month if they want. My recomendation is to set it up for a variety of types of restaurants with one a week. Most will provide signage and stickers for the kids to take home. Then all you have to do is set up some sort of reminder system via email or phone tree, etc. For example, the last Tues of the month is ALWAYS Chick-Fil-A night at our school.
We recycle juice pouches, Elmer Glue sticks and ink jet cartridges with Terracycle. The kids love it! I prefer Terracycle to the other cartridge recycling companies because they take all types and pay the same for any brand (25 cents). It is easier on me.
You can also check with Paper Retriever. They put large green and yellow bins at the school for paper recycling.
Depending on where you are, grocery stores also have similar programs to Target. So does Office Depot. Direct TV even has a donation program.
I'm a firm believer in what I call "lazy" fundraising like this.