Why don't you ask the students what they would like to see as prizes?
Here are some of the ideas we came up with. We hold our WFC fundraiser in mid-October and end in early November.
Sell one box - 4 friday ice cream tickets (they present to cafeteria, we reimburse the cafeteria at cost)
Sell two boxes - 1 hour extra recess
Sell 3 boxes - A movie, popcorn and drink party on a Friday afternoon.
Top prizes (5) $300.00 Visa card, 250, 200, 150, 100. This is close to the Thanksgiving holidays and so the parents appreciate the cash for Christmas. We raise over $30,000 for ourselves and spend about $1100.00 on prizes.
With A+ Memories, we were able to use their photobooth as the prize.
The student receives a voucher for a free session when an order for 2 items is submitted. Kids love it!
The best prize I have ever seen is our student council sells cookie dough, everyone that sells 20 tubs gets to go on the Limo Lunch to a popular Restaurant in town. The key is it is during their lunch at school. The limo picks them up and takes them to the restaurant for 45 min then returns them to school. the cost is under $8 dollars each. last year we had over 65 kids make their quota. 6th and 7th graders (300) kids sold nearly 32,000 dollars of cookie dough. I would love to figure out something similar or something that would motivate the kids for our fundraiser. So far the best I have come up with is gift cards of their choice and spirit wear as prizes. I do love award levels vs. 1 person wining or being drawn from a hat
We do use the brochure prizes, but agree they are cheap and mostly junk. We do also have additional prizes for the top sellers. We spend approx. $500.00 on Top Seller prizes. We believe you have to spend money to make money. For our Cookie Dough Sales last year, the Top seller received 2 season passes to our local water park, 2nd place in sales received a $50.00 movie gift card, and 3rd place received a school sweatshirt. We also chose 4 students from each grade level via a drawing at an assembly (they must have participated in the fundraiser), and those students received a pizza party with the principal! This fundraiser was a huge success because of our incentives!!
At our Walk-A-Thon, our top prizes were: 1st an I-Pod Touch 2nd A digital flip camera 3rd $30.00 Gift Certificate to the store of their choice!
Good Luck!! Think Big and Outside the Box!! It Works!
I work for a fundraising company
Topic Author
13 years 11 months ago#156989by I work for a fundraising company
I wanted to let you know that your GAO rep is charging you to much money for your BMX bike show.
I have been working in the fundraising business for 10 years and they have never charged us 900 dollars. They charge between 500 and 550 dollars.
So if you are splitting the cost of the show, you are paying 450 dollars and your rep is either paying 50 or 100 dollars.
working with us it is around 250 dollars you will spend. you might want to check your prize bill. 5 to 10 percent is really high to pay for a prize program.