Try school mall or computers for education. They are the same company and very easy. One of my schools does school mall and the other does computers for education. They are very very easy!!!
PTO Fundraising Mom
11 years 11 months ago#162835by PTO Fundraising Mom
Hi, I am the Fundraising chairperson for our school. We have aprox 400 children. Our families were tired of fundraisers were they had to sell stuff. So we decided to hold a Magic Show, a show where all they had to do is buy a ticket and show up. We also invited primary grades to perform some songs during intermission. This was a big draw for the parents to buy tickets and come see their children perform. The show was a really big sucess and we raised about $5,000. all profit. We literally had to turn people away, and had to add 30 extra chairs in the auditorium in order to keep up with the ticket demand. I would recommend this type of event and I think I will be asked to do it again next year! yikes! If anyone is interested in more info contact me. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our Girl Scout group just did an ice skating event and raised over $1200. We are trying to limit cash intake so we used Splitzee to collect entrance fees in advance. We did this same event last year and didn't make anywhere near this much money so we are thinking that using splitzee helped increase participants.
Happy School Customer
13 years 1 week ago#159710by Happy School Customer
We love Growums. The kids learn to eat healthy and garden and we made a 50% profit with some of the company proceeds going to feed needy children. The characters come to life on line and continue to teach the children way past the actual fundraiser and our culinary class even made pizza from their garden plants.
Are you still looking for a fundraiser? You can email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.