Since you know that the answer is "yes", simply state when and in what form the PTO will be giving them credit (i.e. four banners/signs on school property beginning 2/28 to 3/28 and three email announcements on 3/1, 3/8, and 3/15 to the parents of all 400 students, etc.)
Hello you brilliant PTO members! I need some help. I recieved a letter from Helzberg Diamonds that they may be willing to donate to our auction but I must fill out this form, but there are 2 questions I don't know how to form the answers to correctly, so please HELP!
Will any media or community promotion cake place prior to the event and if so will Helzberg Diamonds contributions or name be mentioned? If so how will they be mentioned?
The answer to the above questions is yes, but how do I form the answer to the how?